Sunday, September 7, 2008

What's Martha Up To Now

If you haven't heard yet, Martha and her mother received a record deal from VIVA Records in the Philippines and there is some finalizing with their TV deal with either GMA or ABS CBN. Martha has finished recording her album and recent discussions see to point to an October 2008 release with 12 songs in English and 2 songs in Tagalog. The record label is quite impressed (and so they should be) on how trained her vocals are and how quickly Martha was able to record in the studio. With a population of almost 100 million one can easily see how Martha really has a great shot at being a huge artist in the Philippines. Of course Martha has great odds when she has the Queen of Asia, Pilita Corales as her co manager. I've subscribed to GMA through my local cable company but looking forward to a trip to the Philippines this December to celebrate Martha's 18th.

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