Saturday, July 14, 2007

Martha Joy finishes work and joins the family

The weather wasn't exactly cooperating with our annual picnic but it didn't matter. Canopies were set up to shelter all from the drizzle. As always, there is plenty of food and desserts a common tradition in the Filipino culture. It was great to see the family and extended family. Martha did not get a chance to join us at the park but it worked out anyway as we decided that it was time to change venue and go for real shelter. Most of the family headed back to our aunt's banquet hall where there is always a spare party room for the Lim's. Martha was pleasantly surprised to walk in to see the various signs my cousin Lea had made up. There was some really catchy signs, and look for me to be holding them up in performances to come. Martha had a chance to share a little about the much talked about move to the "mansion" in Toronto, sounds very exciting.

With all the family trying to get air time with Martha, I had a chance to have great discussions with my uncles and aunts about the overall feeling they have and hypothesize various scenarios that the producers might take. Given that 90% of the scheduled themes are posted, my aunts and uncles discussed song selection. This has been a tradition of the Lim family, where we enter into sometimes colourful discussions about song choice. We weigh the pros and cons and give different perspectives, knowing full well that Martha will end up making an informed decision based upon input from her family. At the end of the day, Martha will do what she feels comfortable with and for the family, it doesn't matter because we just love to hear her sing.

I think the most memorable moment for me was a little bonding with my brother's (Daniel) daughter Sabrina. She's such a cutie :)

The other moment was getting a chance to talk to my cousin Joseph. It seemed forever, since we have had a chance to talk and we caught up on the latest stuff going on in our life. For those who don't know Joseph, he has been a boxer for over 10 years and was on the B team for Seoul Olympics. He's got a great career in the technology sector and still stays in shape with playing Beach Volleyball and regular workouts at the gym.

Canada You Ain't See Nothing Yet!

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